Sample poem:
I Am No Lady
I have no monster trucks
to speak of. Every lady
should have at least two
parked in her yard. A lady is
to abide by many presuppositions
like a yard. This makes me
no lady. I am no one
to speak of.
February. When all the truck rallies
dig up the lilac's frozen motor.
I massage oil into the kitchen's wallpaper.
I eat everything in pairs. Two eggs, two Oreos.
My feelings shift like a ramshackle
roof. I speak of imperfect wings, how
I could pack off to Deerfield, any state.
This keeps Gravedigger off my mattress.
This keeps me intact, the shells inside
a lamp. I'll bring a couple options &
a curling iron. I'll leave a trail of books
of glass beads of carburetors. Summers are
for ladies. You can find me
with a flashlight under the sheets. You cannot
find me. Here, in a theory of wrenches
& handshakes. Tall grass & a lawnmower
I’ll never let you rev. As February melts
into a glass of iced tea. This map is a feeling of
water flooding out from under the bathroom door.
A spark plug retraced to my blue tarp yard, footprints
at each corner. To stay indoors is no longer
a rally of bulbs. A gentle voice is no longer a track
torn in dirt. To look pale is no longer an option.
Ladies hike. Dazzle in Umbro shorts.
Once, a lady told me not to bury anything
across state lines. Right arm holding
the steering wheel, left arm tanning in the theory
of your afternoon. My lungs shaped
like a pair of shovels.
Purchase Chapbook from Dancing Girl Press:
Route is a split collaborative chapbook by Julia Cohen and Mathias Svalina containing two inter-related poetry sequences – Black Metal & Ice and Two Sisters. The first follows what an expedition through a desolate polar landscape that has no apparent purpose. The second follows two sisters who are alternately playing and on the run from mysterious scientists intent on experimenting on them. Both sequences in Route address irrational male desire masquerading as scientific pursuit with a language and logic that is at once like a fairy tale and bad dream.
Cover is a silkscreen designed by Joseph Lappie and printed by Caitlin Wheeler.
Purchase a copy here:
Sample Poem:
Like the black
You are a child
in our mouths
Yours into mine
or less lost
Dark-age fluids
Bump, where are you?
In the washbin
hoarding to fly?
And spare?
Purchase chapbook here: